Rebuild the sentences with the selected lemmas
This example creates a data set in which each record has the original sentence, but where the words were substituted with just the selected lemmas.
In order to run this example just paste the following statements in the Command area and press the button: EXECUTE. To view the content of the resulting data set go in the PATH tab and refer to the one named Selected_Lemmas_sentences.
This example creates a data set in which each record has the original sentence, but where the words were substituted with just the selected lemmas.
In order to run this example just paste the following statements in the Command area and press the button: EXECUTE. To view the content of the resulting data set go in the PATH tab and refer to the one named Selected_Lemmas_sentences.
Proc Records2sentences dict=Selected_Lemmas out=Selected_Lemmas_sentences; var lemma; vardescriptor vardescriptor; run; |