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- How to install ADaMSoft
- Introduction, main concepts and the graphical user interface
- Import and export data set
- Import data in ADaMSoft
- Export data from ADaMSoft
- Personalize a data set without modifying the data table
- Copy, sort, merge and append data sets
- The command script language (to modify a data set, to recode its values, etc.)
- Use SQL syntax to analyze your table
- Statistical procedures
- Association measures for qualitative variables: tables of frequencies in ADaMSoft (or tables in which are synthesized the relationship between qualitative and quantitative variables)
- Statistics on quantitative variables (mean, variance, statistical tests, etc.)
- Linear logistic regression
- Linear discriminant analysis
- Editing and imputation
- Sample calibration with ADaMS
- Text Mining with ADaMSoft
- Web Mining with ADaMSoft
- Utilities
- Small guides (mainly presentations of some groups of steps)